Poodll Products

Poodll Media

Poodll has a comprehensive set of tools for language teachers to create dynamic courses that integrate seamlessly with Moodle LMS. Its suite of plugins includes tools for audio and video recording, vocabulary learning, and speaking and reading assessment. Thousands of schools and organizations use Poodll Media applications daily to give students speaking practice, document competence, support remote students and create lesson content.

Audio & Video Recording

Record audio and video with Poodll and its tools located directly in the HTML areas, Moodle assignments and quizzes.

Automatic Transcription

Poodll's extensive cloud infrastructure allows you to obtain automatic transcripts of student interventions.

Record Directly on Moodle

Poodll plugins for assignment feedback allow for audio and video comments. Student submissions can be exported through the portfolio system.

Record in Quizzes

Poodll allows you to ask test questions that require the user to answer using one of our audio or video recorders. Ideal for assessments and for students to practice speaking under pressure.

Poodll Languages

Poodll Languages provides teachers with an essential set of powerful applications specially designed for language learning. The Poodll Languages package includes activities for speaking, word learning, reading, pronunciation and more.


Students are introduced to new words and phrases that are then tested during a learning session consisting of multiple study modes.

Poodll ReadAloud

It allows teachers to automatically evaluate students' oral reading skills. Four modes are available: Listen, Practice, Shadow and Read. Students can listen to a sample reading, practice reading the passage sentence by sentence, and read the entire passage.

Poodll Read Aloud records your students reading and provides measures of reading speed and accuracy instantly and automatically. Students can preview, and practice reading line by line.

Poodll MiniLesson

Teachers combine several language learning activities into a simple, self-guided online lesson. It is perfect for assigning students speaking activities to do outside of class.

Poodll MiniLesson allows you to create lessons made from a sequence of activity pages. It is designed to give language students speaking and listening practice in a lightweight container. It works on all modern browsers.

Poodll Solo

Teachers set a topic and students record themselves speaking for a set amount of time. At the end, they are automatically evaluated by the AI or by a teacher.

Poodll EnglishCentral

Practice conversation, learn words and track your progress with fun, real-life videos. Meticulously leveled and backed by academic research, EnglishCentral really works and is a lot of fun.

Con Poodll EnglishCentral , sus alumnos pueden aprender palabras, practicar el habla y realizar un seguimiento de su progreso con videos divertidos del mundo real. Nivelado meticulosamente y respaldado por investigaciones académicas, EnglishCentral realmente funciona y es realmente divertido. La integración de Poodll permite la integración del libro de calificaciones, el seguimiento del progreso y la finalización de actividades. Para que sus estudiantes ni siquiera tengan que salir de Moodle.

Off-the-Shelf Courses

Yes! We've made more than a 120 English language courses that you can download and install directly on your Moodle site.

General English

The General English Program contains courses designed to build and consolidate the learners' base English communication competency. Each course is designed for learners who want to improve their proficiency in the language for personal, academic, or business purposes.

Business English

The Business English Program focuses on the language and communication skills needed for success in a business setting. The courses cover topics such as writing business emails, giving presentations, participating in meetings, and negotiating. They also include business-specific vocabulary and idioms.

Poodll Classroom

Poodll Classroom is a learning management system or LMS with web hosting service, designed especially for language teaching. It includes Poodll Media and Poodll Languages. If you are looking for an LMS you've just found the perfect one.


Poodll Media

Starting at
Advanced audio and video recording features for Moodle
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  • Cloud storage
  • Automatic subtitles
  • Cloud Poodll for Atto/TinyMCE
  • Cloud Poodll Question
  • Poodll Assign. Submissions & Feedbacks
  • Poodll Players & Widgets

Poodll Essentials

Starting at
Poodll Media + Poodll Languages in one package.
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  • Everything from Poodll Media
  • Everything from Poodll Languages

Poodll EnglishCentral

Starting at
Watch / Learn / Speak / Chat with authentic English videos
Talk to an Expert
  • IntelliSpeech speech technology
  • Library of 14000+ Videos
  • AI powered voice chat