e-Learning Success Summit

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Our good friends at LMS Pulse are organizing the first eLearning Success Summit. Its a virtual conference which is especially relevant in these days of nasty viruses. Poodll Guy will be talking about Speaking Solutions for Moodle. The talk won’t be limited to Poodlls own offerings. We will be covering a  range of great ways to get your students speaking using Moodle. The conference is on April 22, 23 and 24 this year (2020). It’s both free and hygienic, so there is no excuse to not join. It will be a real blast. Learn more about it here.

The LMSPulse Elearning Success Summit: Join Our Virtual Call

March 3 update: We have over 30 confirmed speakers, including: Martin Dougiamas, CEO and Founder of Moodle Dr. Charles Severance (“Dr. Chuck“), First Chief Architect of the Sakai Project and member of the Apereo Foundation Dr. Britt Andreatta, Former CLO of Lynda.com (Now LinkedIn Learning) Svein-Tore Griff, Director and Founder of H5P Our goal since …
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