Poodll partners with Moodle US

Moodle US and Poodll partner up

Poodll has signed a partnership with Moodle US, to promote Poodll and Moodle in the United States.

“We have worked closely with members of the Moodle US team for a number of years and are excited to continue to work together to provide cost effective language solutions for US students. Moodle US’s commitment to open source and our shared values are a cornerstone of our relationship. I think we can look forward to a series of great projects, big and small.” said Poodll founder Justin Hunt. 

Poodll provides specialized software for Moodle in two main packages, Poodll Media and Poodll Languages.

Moodle US was formed in 2021 when Moodle partners, My Learning Consultants, Moonami Learning Solutions and Elearning Experts, were acquired by Moodle and merged into a single entity. 

Jonathan Moore, Head of Moodle US, says, “Poodll offers a fantastic suite of products for language organizations and any instructor who wants to leverage audio and video in their online courses. We’re excited to be able to offer this functionality to current and future customers.” 

About Moodle US

As a Moodle-owned entity, Moodle US provides advanced skills and services to enable customers to build the best online learning experiences in the world. Our team of experts will work with you to identify your unique needs whether you are seeking support with hosting, course design, custom development, or anything in between. Scale your level of support and service to suit your specific requirements.

If you are interested in working with Moodle US and Poodll, contact them directly at :

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